- C.U.R.F.E.W.
- C.U.R.F.E.W.

My vision

It’s humbling to have been returned once again to the Alice Springs Town Council. I’d like to thank all my supporters and I look forward to a new beginning for the Council and a fresh start for a safe Alice.
The next four years will be crucial for our town, it will be a time where we must find our way through the toughest times, possibly in our history.
My vision for the community remains, to get us back to a time of safe living, where we can go shopping, dine out, go to the movies without fear, a time without intruders in our homes while we sleep, our cars taken without permission and businesses and shops damaged senselessly.
To get back to that time where we can enjoy an outback lifestyle in one of the most iconic towns in Australia, “a town like Alice” safely. We need to work together and repair the division that has plagued our community.
As your representative, I will make it my responsibility and priority to ensure all new and experienced elected members to the 14th council, work together for the best interest of our town by removing the divisions that have hindered the past 3 councils that I have been in.
As an Alice Springs Councillor, it will be my sole mission to unite our community and together move forward and face off the challenges of crime and antisocial behaviour that make us feel unsafe.
The time for unrestrained and out of control crime must come to an end, the time for prosperity and safety must start now.
My experience over ten years as a Councillor with a strong track record in financial management and of standing up for Alice Springs, will be key attributes I bring to ensure our Council has a bright future and a safe Town. I have been consistent in my representation, relentless and persistent in making sure the best interests of our Town and community are heard and upheld.
I have a plan to overcome the challenges ahead and guide our town through not only the tough economic challenges brought on by this Pandemic, but to stop the unacceptable level of crime that consumes our community.

- Introduce a C.U.R.F.E.W. strategy.
- Accountability; work with Government and organisations responsible for our towns safety and prosperity to get the job done.
- Roads, rates, and rubbish; ensure delivery and stable management of our core services
- Safe handling of the town council budget
- Grow the town’s economic opportunities
- Keep party politics out of council
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